Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Five More Years... and other news...and some thoughts.

1. Fitial is being re-elected Governor of the CNMI. He's ahead by 500+ votes, and it seems unlikely (although not impossible) that the absentee ballots will change the outcome of the run-off election.

My previous post on the elections included these:
2009-11-02 The candidates
2009-11-19 On the Spoils System

2. Fitial's lawsuit has been dismissed. It challenged the federalization of the CNMI's immigration, claiming the Consolidated Natural Resources Act violated the Covenant by infringing the CNMI's right of self-government.

Some of my previous posts on this subject, including analysis of the merits of the lawsuit, are here:
2008-12-17 A brief recap of the pending motions
2009-03-11 On the amicus brief

I want to say bad news (Fitial's re-election), good news (dismissal of the federalization lawsuit), but I am reminded of the Chinese story about tao.

What I see as good is that we had an election and we will have a Governor chosen by more than 50% of the people.

What I see as good is that we have a system of justice where anyone can make their claim and have a judge review it, based on written laws and principles.

Who knows? Perhaps it will take 5 more years of Benigno Fitial for us to learn a bit more about the spoils system and what its harms are.

We will have the same 5 years in transition to U.S. immigration. We'll see how it unfolds.


Angelo Villagomez said...

We had to have 8 years of Bush before things were so bad that we could elect someone good. Things are going to be really bad over the next 5 years.

Saipan Writer said...

Yeah, Angelo. It feels that way to me, too.

Perhaps we'll both be surprised--in a good way.

Anonymous said...

We have known the economy would continue to decline for the next two to three years due to the garment industry closure, increased federal wages, and federal immigration.

Fortunately, we have leaders who have proven they are unafraid to speak up to the feds -- Governor Ben Fitial, Speaker Froilan Tenorio, and Senate President Paul Manglona.