Monday, March 30, 2009

345. Screnzy--Are You In?

It came as something of a shock this weekend to realize that Script Frenzy starts this week--April 1 is Wednesday. Just 2 days away!

A month-long adventure of writing a script. The goal-100 pages. Script types include screenplays, stageplays, radio theatre, graphic novels (manga), comic books, and even collections of shorts for film or stage.

I've been planning since last November to adapt my NaNoWriMo novel from 2008 into a stage play (musical style). That inspiration came during November as I was writing the novel and kept thinking it would work better on stage.

The only problem, as I realized this weekend, is that I never finished the novel! I have more than a dozen scenes of varying lengths to write on the novel. I estimate that I have about 12,000 to 18,000 words more to go. And I'll never get that finished before April 1.

So do I "adapt" the unfinished novel, and come up with the ending during Frenzy? Or do I latch on to some other idea now and wing it (which is truly the style that works best during these write-it-all-in-a-month on-line events)? I could bail this year--I have enough unfinished projects already, don't need another...

Is there any one else out there who wants to write a script in a month with me? It's fun! And it's easier with someone to share the experience.


Angie said...

Signed up, but don't know how much time I'll have. Still typing my kids stories from NaNoWriMo!

Saipan Writer said...

I started. 5 pages on day 1. It's already bad. but then I'm writing a musical. HAHAHAHa!!!

let's write together.