Thursday, May 1, 2008

221. S. 2739 -ISLA

I've put up a summary of the new immigration act, ISLA, Title VII of S. 2739 on the blog of Micronesian Legal Services--Day in Court--for anyone interested.

Or you can sort through the whole bill by typing in S. 2739 and clicking on "bill number" in the search box here.


Lil' Hammerhead said...

Sorry SaipanWriter, there was nowhere to comment under the "Cinta" post. Just a response on the "rude and juvenile cartoons" of Cinta, or anyone else on my site.. they're illustrative. The MV headline for the story was "Cinta slams Congresswoman Sablan".. so I flipped it around postwise.

Sorry, because someone doing something decent once in a blue moon, doesn't negate the evil they perpetrate at other times. That's the way I see it anyways.

The text of posts is often quite serious and sometimes harsh.. I believe the illustrative and humorous cartoons/pics lighten up the posts tremendously, and add as well, compliment and actually enhance the point I am trying to make.

Just thought I'd put in my two cents on this one.
Thanks for the summary of the SOCA by the way. I didn't go, and couldn't bring myself to watching it on channel 2 today. Your rundown was perfect! A funny picture of 2foot tall governor by a five foot tall podium would have enhance the post I think. :}

Saipan Writer said...

I think I've changed my comments somehow and don't know how, when, why or how to change it back. But I'm trying. So sorry for the problem there.

I can see that you would think the cartoons add a lighter element. I just found that particular one disturbing. So I called it rude and juvenile--that's my opinion.

Just so you know, though, I'd stand up for your right to publish these cartoons--they are certainly political comment.

As for the good canceling out the evil--no it doesn't. But no one is all good, just as few/no one is all evil.

I want to encourage the good that people do. We need more of it--no matter who is doing it.


Lil' Hammerhead said...

Some are much more "evil" than others.