Thursday, November 1, 2007

155. Time to Write a Novel

November is National Novel-Writing Month!

It's time to crank out a first-draft novel in 30 glorious days. This is no small feat, but it can be done. I've done it twice. Joe Race also did this last November. And so far 90,000 people world-wide have signed up to try to do it this November 2007!

You can sign up to join the madness here .

With on-line support like interactive forums, radio podcasts, and breezy letters of encouragement from the NaNoWriMo creator, Chris Baty, the experience is fun and amazingly productive.

If you're in Saipan, feel free to join me for the Day 1 writing session (November 1, of course) at Coffee Care in the evening (sometime like 7 PM). Goal: 1667 words. Remember, you can't win if you don't start, as shown on this graph from Dr.Frag of Adelaide, Australia!


Bree Reynolds said...

i signed up. now i need to go to sleep and figure out what the heck to write:)

c u at scrooge rehearsal

Saipan Writer said...

Yay! and congratulations!

I'm often at Coffee Care with my laptop, writing this month. I like having the wireless, unlimited coffee or iced tea, and big table. Come write with me any time!

And let me know your name on NaNoWriMo. I'll add you to my buddy's list. (I'm Saipanwriter there, too. I used to be Tituge', but they changed their system and the glotta doesn't work any more.)