Monday, June 23, 2008

246. Summer Break

If you're a teacher, there's a good chance you're on summer break. If you're a student, you are probably experiencing some "down-time" too.

But in a way, teachers and students are no more on vacation than the rest of us working folks. They're just doing a different phase of their jobs. Processing, rejuvenating, preparing for the next push.

Here's a video that touches on the difficulties we impose on our teachers, and how those difficulties are creating a critical loss of qualified teachers in our public schools, not just in the CNMI, but across America.

There's also a touching blog post at Daily Kos by teacher ken. He discusses a book he's reading,how it brings up his own emotional connection to his teaching experiences, and some of those experiences.

And just reading his post makes me want to say, again, to all of the teachers I know out there, thanks. Thanks for trying to expand your hearts to include my child and all the children who come your way. Please, enjoy the summer. Please, keep teaching.


Samatakah said...

A friend of mine is supposed to teach summer school this year, but the session started yesterday and so few students showed up they may cancel.

If my friend could have afforded it, she wouldn't have planned to work this summer. Now she may have it off after all.

Angie said...

Thank You from all of us!

I have passed this on to a friend that works at the college for her to share with future teachers. I hope that it makes them think, and will make them realize just how important a profession that they are getting ready to join!

Thanks again!!