Sunday, June 24, 2007

102. Visiting my aged mother

My mother is 90. I can't borrow her car until after 2 PM each day because she is busy gadding about from one social engagement to another. She's got so much energy that, besides all the stuff she does, she walks 3 times each week, jogging suit and all. And she's just waiting for my visit to end so she can plan her next long-distance trip--probably to the Bahamas or something.

Here's the latest British version of her generation of geriatric people with energy to burn.

Wow! These guys make me laugh. And with geriatric1927 getting a quarter million hits on his You Tube videos, you've got to be amazed.


Bon said...

I love that video! I hope your time with you mom was good and she didn't wear you out too much (smile)

Saipan Writer said...

I love the video, too. There's a whole series of You Tube videos by Geriatric1927. He's very popular, the rage now. He's been on TV, NPR and in the print media, all because he loves You Tube and started posting videos, at age 79.

My mom is 90. She disdains the computer, but loves television, books and going to all the various senior centers in a 20 mile range from her house. She doesn't wear me out because I don't go with her!

She has a busy schedule, something to do with different people every day. And she's reconnected with a school chum from grade school (in the early 1920's!). They call each other every day, check what activities they're going to do, what they're wearing, when they're going to arrive. Sounds just like my 13 yo!

I sit home now. Writing on my script, Boni, for SCRIPT FRENZY. Remember? It's not too late. A few more days, you could get in several thousand words in that time. (That's what I'm hoping to do. Right now I'm just over 6,000 words. Although winner status takes 20,000, I'm hoping just to make 10,000 by the 30th.)