Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Minor Musings on Budget Matters

It was hot today in paradise, even with mild breezes. The first hint of orange blossoms on the Flame Trees.

Austerity-what a nightmare. Tonight there is a public hearing in Kagman--conducted by Rota Sen. Jovita Taimanao. (I can't make it-other commitments to my daughter.)

The administration/and the Covenant legislators propose a plan that will lose the PSS $16million dollars immediately and cause other harm. In order to save about $4 to $5million.

Senator Paul Manglona proposes an end to protections for governor, legislators and judicial salaries--but such proposal couldn't take effect against any one already in their position during this present term.

Meanwhile, legislators are getting $4,200/day for "subsistence" pay when they have to be on another island other than their home for legislative sessions.

Meanwhile, legislators are getting paid as full-time employees, when we could easily get by with a part-time legislature.

Meanwhile-does anyone remember? The Fitial administration may still be paying $50,000/month to a lawfirm, Jenner and Block, to fight the CNRA, so we can "appeal" Judge Friedman's decision.

The Fitial Administration's claim for austerity is a sham.


Ερμής said...
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Saipan Writer said...


Anonymous said...

where is the federal investigation into fitial allowing the federal detainee to be released for his personal massage? i can't believe that they have their heads buried in the sand; meanwhile the citizens of the cnmi are dying... there is something seriously wrong with the fitial administration! hopefully they will take him out, sooner than later, so we can start the real work to get us out of this quagmire we are in.

Anonymous said...

Is there truth that Fitial commuted the 20 year sentence of drug dealer David Tanaka Diaz and that Diaz is now a free man?

Saipan Writer said...

David Tanaka Diaz was up for parole. Apparently he was granted parole and is now out of prison.

This is action by the parole board, not the governor, as I understand it.

Saipan Writer said...

Okay, so now I'm confused. David Tanaka Diaz was sentenced to 30 years in jail; the last 5 years were suspended, but the 25 years were supposed to be without parole. Saipan Tribune article

So how does he get parole? I'm still trying to find out what happened.