Tuesday, June 5, 2007

97. SPLICE--A Nifty Music tool

So I don't know how to do the whole video thing. I don't even yet have a video camera, although my digital camera has a video icon on it (and I don't even know why!). I'm a Luddite at heart. But I'm a curious Luddite. So while I was looking for something totally different, I ran across this, and thought--wow, that's neat. It appeals to me, the lawyer, because it offers a legal way to add music to your videos. And it just seems technologically easy and cool. So I share, for those who might benefit from it. A video explains "Splice":

UPDATE 3/5/2008--that video no longer works, but this one does.


Bon said...

your camera has a video icon because if you hold down the button that takes pictures you are taking video. See, you do have a video camera:)

Saipan Writer said...

I tried that and a variety of other things before I wrote that post. I'll have to read the instructions or something, though, because I couldn't figure it out. :-(

Bon said...

I am a script writing d
t! Tony is on annual training and well, there are many things I can't spend more than ten minutes on at one time! How are you doing? What is your script called? I think I'll do this the long and drawn out way.

Saipan Writer said...

I'm failing the Script Frenzy at the moment, too, but I haven't yet thrown in the towel.

I had a very tought first 10 days--getting through everything I needed to do at work, finishing my photo projects and then traveling for my vacation. Right now I'm jet-lagged and have a headache, but I'm happy to find this internet connection at my mom's. And since I'll be on vacation for a while, I might be able to catch up.

So, although I've only gotten 350 words written so far(ugh!), I'm hoping to dive in and at least try harder. I may not make the 20,000 words that is the goal, but I'm going to try to get at least to the 1000 mark, and then reassess--making up the goal to 5,000, then 10,000 if I'm not yet blind and stupid. We'll see if I can still keep writing through a visit home.

My script working title is PHOTO ON THE FRIDGE. But I haven't yet figured out where I'm going, which is also why the writing hasn't yet started to flow.

But whatever I do, I'll be learning, and doing more than if I don't even try.

Bon said...

Love the title, and the determination! You go! Brave woman indeed