What's that, you say? Well, it's "dirty" in a kid sense! And it's wow wow in a kid sense!
To celebrate a new children's book by Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz that honors all the stuffed animals that have been drooled on, slept on, pressed flat and dragged through the mud, but are nonetheless BELOVED, like this one

10 Speed Press is having the daily contest. Find more details here .
Thanks to GalleyCat (May 10) for catching this one!
If that's not enough contest for you, and you're writing for children, you can still get your unpublished manuscript to Smartwriters for their W.I.N. contest.
The W.I.N.-Write It Now-contest is open to all writers. Contest areas are Young Adult (novel), Mid-Grade (novel), picture book, poetry, non-fiction and illustration. For $10 you can get a critique, too. Deadline though is looming--May 15, 2007. For details: smartwriters.com
I love it! Our dirty wow wows all got put in boxes and stored away though. Does my favorite pair of pajamas count?
My dirty wow wow has long gone to the Toy Chest In The Sky, but it was a Snoopy that I carried around by its neck, which got smaller and smaller with my continued tiny grip.
At one point the head started to come off, and my mom (not known for her domestic skills) sewed it on firmly with thick black thread.
I loved that Snoopy.
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